Hysbysiad contract
Adran I:
I.1) Enw a chyfeiriad
Powys County Council
County Hall
Llandrindod Wells
Ffôn: +44 01597826000
E-bost: commercialservices@powys.gov.uk
Cyfeiriad(au) rhyngrwyd
Prif gyfeiriad: https://etenderwales.bravosolution.co.uk
Cyfeiriad proffil y prynwr: https://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/search/Search_AuthProfile.aspx?ID=AA0354
I.3) Cyfathrebu
Mae'r dogfennau caffael ar gael ar gyfer mynediad uniongyrchol anghyfyngedig a llawn, yn rhad ac am ddim ar:
Gellir cael gwybodaeth ychwanegol o'r cyfeiriad uchod
Rhaid anfon tendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan yn electronig at:
Mae cyfathrebu electronig yn gofyn am ddefnyddio offer a dyfeisiau nad ydynt ar gael yn gyffredinol. Mae mynediad uniongyrchol anghyfgyfyngiedig a llawn i'r offer a dyfeisiau hyn yn bosibl, yn rhad ac am ddim, yn:
I.4) Y math o awdurdod contractio
Awdurdod rhanbarthol neu leol
I.5) Prif weithgaredd
Gwasanaethau cyhoeddus cyffredinol
Adran II: Gwrthrych
II.1) Cwmpas y caffaeliad
II.1.1) Teitl
Tender for the provision of rural verge maintenance services in north Powys
Cyfeirnod: ITT_107111
II.1.2) Prif god CPV
II.1.3) Y math o gontract
II.1.4) Disgrifiad byr
Powys County Council’s (The Council) Highways, Grounds and Street Services (HGSS) are responsible for the management of grounds maintenance, grass cutting and additional associated activities on trunk roads, county and rural roads and within urban areas in the County of Powys.
HGSS are seeking to appoint a single supplier for the provision of rural verge maintenance services in the north zone of the County, and it is intended that agreements will be entered into for a period of three years. It is anticipated that the agreement will commence from March 2024.
II.1.5) Cyfanswm gwerth amcangyfrifedig
Gwerth heb gynnwys TAW: 225 000.00 GBP
II.1.6) Gwybodaeth am lotiau
Mae’r contract hwn wedi’i rannu’n lotiau:
II.2) Disgrifiad
II.2.3) Man cyflawni
II.2.4) Disgrifiad o’r caffaeliad
Powys County Council’s (The Council) Highways, Grounds and Street Services (HGSS) are responsible for the management of grounds maintenance, grass cutting and additional associated activities on trunk roads, county and rural roads and within urban areas in the County of Powys.
HGSS are seeking to appoint a single supplier for the provision of rural verge maintenance services in the north zone of the County, and it is intended that agreements will be entered into for a period of three years. It is anticipated that the agreement will commence from March 2024.
II.2.5) Meini prawf dyfarnu
Maen prawf isod:
Maes prawf ansawdd: Quality
/ Pwysoliad: 40
/ Pwysoliad:
II.2.7) Hyd y contract, y cytundeb fframwaith neu’r system brynu ddynamig
Hyd mewn misoedd: 36
Gall y contract hwn gael ei adnewyddu: Na
II.2.9) Gwybodaeth am y cyfyngiadau ar nifer yr ymgeiswyr a gaiff eu gwahodd
II.2.10) Gwybodaeth am amrywiadau
Derbynnir amrywiadau:
II.2.11) Gwybodaeth am opsiynau
II.2.13) Gwybodaeth am Gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd
Mae'r broses gaffael yn gysylltiedig â phrosiect a/neu raglen a ariennir gan gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd:
Section III: Gwybodaeth gyfreithiol, economaidd, ariannol a thechnegol
III.1) Amodau ar gyfer cymryd rhan
III.1.2) Statws economaidd ac ariannol
Meini prawf dethol fel y’u nodir yn y dogfennau caffael
III.1.3) Gallu technegol a phroffesiynol
Meini prawf dethol fel y’u nodir yn y dogfennau caffael
III.2) Amodau sy’n gysylltiedig â’r contract
Section IV: Gweithdrefn
IV.1) Disgrifiad
IV.1.1) Y math o weithdrefn
Gweithdrefn agored
IV.1.8) Gwybodaeth am Gytundeb Caffael y Llywodraeth (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement:
IV.2) Gwybodaeth weinyddol
IV.2.2) Terfyn amser i dendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan ddod i law
Amser lleol: 12:00
IV.2.4) Ym mha iaith/ieithoedd y gellir cyflwyno tendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan
IV.2.7) Amodau ar gyfer agor tendrau
Amser lleol: 12:00
Section VI: Gwybodaeth ategol
VI.1) Gwybodaeth am ailddigwydd
Caffaeliad cylchol yw hwn:
Amseriad amcangyfrifedig ar gyfer cyhoeddi hysbysiadau pellach:
The estimated timing for further notices will be in three years.
VI.2) Gwybodaeth am lifau gwaith electronig
Defnyddir archebion electronig
Derbynnir anfonebau electronig
Defnyddir taliadau electronig
VI.3) Gwybodaeth ychwanegol
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at http://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/search/search_switch.aspx?ID=137732
Under the terms of this contract the successful supplier(s) will be required to deliver Community Benefits in support of the authority’s economic and social objectives. Accordingly, contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations. The Community Benefits included in this contract are:
Supplier will have the opportunity to add applicable and appropriate community benefits within their tender responses.
(WA Ref:137732)
VI.4) Gweithdrefnau adolygu
VI.4.1) Corff adolygu
High Court
Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand
Ffôn: +44 2079477501
VI.5) Dyddiad anfon yr hysbysiad hwn